分类: C# and .NET
在带有 Validator 对象的页面进行 Response.Redirect 转向
由于客户端 Validation 触发在 Button 的事件之前,所以如果在事件里定义转向的话,会被 Val…
Redirection in a Page with Validation Objects
I’ve been up to a new C# with ASP.NET project lately, a…
Displaying DateTime Object as Desired
DateTime is a common type we deal with frequently in th…
Remove Duplicate Records in a DataTable the Easy Way
The Merge method of DataTable class is convenient for c…
Dynamic Tree Construction according to User Role and Page
In the developing environment of C# and .NET, dynamic d…
DataFormatString in GridView
I’ve been working on an ASP.NET project lately, which m…